Raymore, MO, once a quiet town, has seen an extraordinary transformation driven by the heart of local company – Codes. As advocates for medical marijuana, they initiated a revolution that started with the leafy greens but ended up healing our society’s heart.
Leading the Revolution
This isn’t just about the medical marijuana in Raymore, MO. It is also about the bounding optimism that soon extended to Greenwood, MO. Codes became the pioneers of the growing need for medical dispensaries – changing lives, one leaf at a time.
Rights were fought, laws were amended and society was educated. In Pleasant Hill, MO, and Belton, MO, Codes championed the cause. They set up a medical dispensary that soon became a beacon for those in need.
Expanding Horizons
The movement soon reached Peculiar, MO. Our marijuana dispensary there, stands as a testament to the triumph of empathy and understanding over discrimination and stigma.
Today, if you find yourself in Grandview, MO, asking for a ‘dispensary near me’, you will be led to a Codes Dispensary. You’ll find affirming how one business, with boundless courage and resilience, has illuminated countless lives in MO.